More insiduous uses being found for glyphosate-based herbicide. "In affluent areas across the UK, unknown assassins are striking. Their weapons? Herbicides and hatchets. Their victims? Once mighty trees"
In this story, trees in newbuild areas are being injected with glyphosate, seemingly to make way for 'better views' of seascapes etc. As crazy as this sounds, we heard of a case recently of several healthy trees being felled in a single Cambridge road by an unknown individual, seemingly to make way for a skip to be parked of all things. Cambridge City Council were unable to do anything as the trees weren't within a conservation zone, or under a protection order, the implication being that anyone can cut down any tree they like, whether it's on public or private land, to create more space.
In the meantime, many trees continue to be damaged by ongoing council spraying or strimming around bases and roots. Being as we are in the middle of a climate and biodiversity emergency, all such harmful practices must be stopped. If you are concerned about this, please write to your local Councillor.

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